Our Story
We provide orthopedic rehabilitation durable medical equipment (DME). We provide exceptional personalized customer service to maximize the patient’s comfort and outcome from their rehabilitation equipment.
Orthopedic Rehabilitation Equipment
CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) is a postoperative therapy that passively moves a joint through a prescribed range of motion. Passive motion (motion by mechanical assistance without causing active muscle contraction) allows the patient to retain movement of the joint while minimizing the pain and discomfort associated with active joint movement. CPM is an integral part of a rehabilitation program and is not meant to replace other therapies prescribed by a doctor or other health care providers.

Why Met Medical?
Met Medical’s reputation is built upon superior service, state of the art products, and a Total Quality philosophy. When making your CPM provider decision consider:
Met Medical Service
Our staff will set-up the device in the patient’s home, educate and train the patient on use of the device, monitor patient progress regarding the equipment, promptly respond and follow up on any questions or concerns 24 hours a day during the duration of therapy, and remove the equipment when CPM therapy is completed.
For each patient determined to be suitable for home CPM therapy, Met Medical will create a care plan focusing on education that includes:
- Safety Management
- Equipment
- Management Coordination with other services
- The CPM prescription
- Service and follow-up
When possible, we will begin patient education prior to the surgery.
MET Medical will follow up with patient following device set up to confirm equipment is working properly and to answer patient questions.
Met Medical Products
Met Medical maintains an inventory of major CPM devices. We provide state-of-the-art equipment serviced by factory certified technicians.
Met Medical Quality
Met Medical believes the patient’s needs are of primary concern, therefore, supports the rehab team and the standards of the rehab profession.
We use a collaborative approach to service, communicating on a regular basis with case managers, therapists and physicians as required. A physicians order is always required for CPM.
Met Medical has established stringent service delivery standards which are monitored on an ongoing basis, serving as a platform for CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT.
Our service representatives and area managers are trained and receive continuing education to maintain a working knowledge in joint physiology, abnormalities, various treatment approaches and modalities as well as device application and patient education.
Met Medical monitors customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis, responding to issues and concerns as soon as known.
Other Considerations
- Met Medical recognizes the need for optimal utilization management and ongoing cost effectiveness efforts.
- We maintain records containing clinical information in a confidential manner.
- Met Medical will follow your required procedures to obtain reimbursement.
- We accept Medicare, Medical Assistance reimbursement, and all major insurance providers.
- Billing is discontinued on the last day of service, with prompt and accurate invoicing.
- Met Medical requires reimbursement of the net billed amount within 30 days.
CPM Solutions
We are your CPM headquarters fulfilling all of your requirements including sales, rental, repair, parts sourcing, delivery, and other services for CPM devices.
Designed to provide anatomical motion for all types of CPM Knee Patients: Pediatric, Athletic, and Bariatric.
Designed to provide anatomical motion for all types of CPM Shoulder Patients: Pediatric, Athletic, and Bariatric.
Designed to provide anatomical motion for all types of CPM Elbow Patients: Pediatric, Athletic, and Bariatric.